Join this special evening at Yoga Luna, where we will be hosting an open-talk and community discussion around the important subject:
How might we preserve and honour the ancient practice of Yoga whilst promoting inclusivity and avoiding cultural appropriation?
This open-discussion will be hosted by Dr Julia Palmiano Federer, a valued member of our Yoga Luna Teacher Team and leading academic and published author of the book: NGOs Mediating Peace: Promoting Inclusion in Myanmar’s Nationwide Ceasefire Negotiations
Important questions that we will be exploring, include:
How can we invite a more diverse group of people into Yoga spaces in Switzerland?
Which resources can we read to approach yoga critically?
How do we cope with this topic as western teachers and students?
How can one be a western yoga teacher and not appropriate?
How do we justify to benefit from knowledge that is thousands of years old? And how can we give back?
Is it ok to chant mantras without having any cultural background?
How can we practice and teach yoga in a way that respects the tradition of yoga philosophy/culture and all human beings?
How might we decolonise Yoga?
Why is it that these days yoga seems to be reseved for people who are financially well off?
*This is a donation based event - free to book - pay afterwards what you can afford.